There are several options for making a donation to Cornerstone:
- (1) Place cash or check in an offering bag at a weekend service
- (2) Give online through Google Checkout (below)
- (3) Mail your donation to our administrative office:
Cornerstone Church
5 Thomas Mellon Circle Ste 245
San Francisco, CA 94134-2512
Please send address changes to
Online Donations
Enter your contribution amount below, select the frequency of deductions and click the Donate button below. Google Checkout will help finish your secure transaction.
All transactions are routed through Google's secure servers. Cornerstone cannot access or edit a donor's credit card information, payment subscription, or account information. Cornerstone utilizes donors' contact information such as names, mailing addresses and email addresses only for purposes of donor acknowledgment and/or when an individual voluntarily provides this information through Google Checkout. Cornerstone does not share donors' personal or contact information with any third party organizations for purposes of solicitation.