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Coffee Talk

Does your faith need a fresh refill?

Leave behind the daily grind and treat yourself to a morning of real refreshment. Join us at Coffee Talk: a quarterly women's gathering where you can get filled up with a triple blend of inspiring messages, genuine conversations, and relational growth.

Connect with other women as we seek spiritual strengthening from the Lord and encouragement from one another. Bring a friend or come on your own; either way you will be greeted with a welcoming smile, coffee, and breakfast.

The 2011-2012 Seasonal Brew:

Steadfast: Faith in Focus

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.
- Isaiah 26:3

  1. September 17, 2011 | 9:30am-11:30am
    From Disappointment to Determination
    Gretchen Wanger, Cornerstone Creative Arts Director
  2. November 19, 2011 | 9:30am-11:30am
    The Twists and Turns of Friendship
    Sheryl Brisbane, Cornerstone Women's Ministry Director &
    Therese Robertson, Cornerstone Administrative Director
  3. January 21, 2012 | 9:30am-11:30am
    Consider the Birds: Reflections on Resilience
    Valerie Richardson, Certified Coach and Trainer
  4. March 17, 2012 | Special Blend | Extended Time 9:00am-12:00pm
    Workshops on Cultivating Steadfast Relationships:
    • - Seeking the Lord while Waiting for Mr. Right
    • - Marriage - Keeping the Romance Alive
    • - Instruct a Child in the Way - Tips for Moms
    • - Sisterhood Strength - Living with Purpose

    *Sign Ups will be required for these workshops.
    Registration will be available at this site in January 2012.

    April 26-28, 2012 | Cornerstone Women's Retreat, Mount Hermon, Santa Cruz

No child care is provided at this time.

Interested in getting involved? For more information on joining the Coffee Talk Team, contact Laurel Fullington at

Become a Friend on Facebook at Women@Cornerstone.
Subscribe to the Coffee Talk podcast now.